Coding is for Everyone (Career Shiner)
Hello buddies! This time I would like to start with a
fun fact. Do you know, there are 7 billion people in the world but only 18.5 million
of them can code. That's about 0.3% of the world's population. It's about one
in every 378 people. That is a very small fraction of the amount of the people
we have in the world.
We depend on computer software for almost everything
we do. Computer technology is one of the only fields that I know of that
connects every profession regardless of what you become in life. Today computer
software is there in almost anything you name. It has revolutionized
agriculture to education to medical science to everything that you can name. So
as time goes on we become more and more dependent on technology. So, if we don't have software developers we
are essentially slowing down the progress that we make as a race.
I got to learn computer programming the best training
institute in Noida, Career
Shiner. After learning here, my aim to promote one simple
thing, software innovation. So, now the million dollar question is what software
innovation is? There are two parts to it
- one is writing computer code to build software, then other more difficult
one, is to innovate and and find solutions to our problems. The software
innovation as a whole is building new software that can solve our problems. So
I think that's what technology is about. It's about helping people. It's not
about being the next Mark Zuckerberg or being the next billionaire, it is about
building things that solve our problems and that takes us forward. My message
to all of you is that software innovation is not just for computer science
students and graduates. It's for everyone in this world. From my experience of
computer programming, I have learned that computer programming is not a rocket
science. It’s easy, doable and anyone can do it.
Now I am going to refer back to a talk given by Raj
Islam, he said, “Learn a little bit about a lot of things, find
intersections". To innovate you don't need an in-depth knowledge of any
particular discipline. You don’t have to be the best programmer or the best
engineer in the world to innovate. You need to know a little bit but a lot of
different things so that you can find connections between those disciplines and
create something new out of it. So innovating is essentially finding
intersections between existing disciplines. For example, Steve Jobs found the
intersection between music and technology that eventually led to the birth of
i-pod and we all know that i-pod revolutionized both technology and music
industry as a whole and obviously Steve Jobs was not the best musician in the
world and he was not the best engineer in the world but his knowledge of tech
and music allowed him to find the connection and that may build something new
that we almost every one of us use.
So, anyone can learn innovation. Innovation can be
taught to a six-year-old. As long as you
know something about a lot of different things, you can innovate. So, if coding
and innovating are doable by everyone in this world why it is we have fewer
software innovators? I don't know the answer to that question but I can assure
you of something that you can be a better software innovator that all of the
ones you know already and you can build things far better than I can, even
though I am a programmer. I will explain why with an example. Say, you are a
doctor and I am an engineer. We both decide to build something for other
doctors. So, when I build it, I have to go out and somehow interview doctors,
find out information and knowledge about medical science to actually build the
software. But for you, you just have to learn to programme. This means when you
build something you will be revolutionizing it for your people and you will do
it better than any software engineer can.
When all of us learn to code we can change every little thing we do and
we can change the world. So that's why coding is important. When you build
something you are essentially changing it not for yourself but for everyone.
That's why I said solve your own problems because if you can solve your own
problems you will be solving that problem for other people as well and that is
the best thing about computer software.
There is a big misconception and that misconception is
that you need to be really good at math or really good at English or something
like that. You don't have to be the best in anything to code because coding due
to the availability of resources is extremely easy to learn and I think that is
what makes coding so amazing.
I joined Career
Shiner, Noida's best Java industrial Training Institute and
unleashed the hidden potential in me. The highly experienced trainers here will
teach you to the best of their knowledge and I came out as a real software
developer with flying colours. I strongly recommend you to join Career Shiner
if this amazing world of computers amazes you.
At last but not the least, think about what you can do
to build things that are going to solve our problems because if you learn to
code you can change the world.
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